The epidemic of Myopia

Half a century ago about 30% of the population was nearsighted. Today we are approaching 50% of the population becoming nearsighted and the numbers are increasing. Screen time can average 9 hours a day. During the formative years for the eye (8-22), the stress of close viewing causes the eye to elongate.  The nearsighted eye is elongated. Mild amount of nearsightedness is a bother. Large amounts (5 diopters and above) can be dangerous and sight-threatening. 

While using any device it is recommended to take a break every 20 minutes. Take 20 seconds and look at something more than 20 feet away. This relieves the stress the focusing muscles inside the eye is exerting on the globe.  

Today bifocals are prescribed for young people just starting to become nearsighted.  There are multifocal soft contact lenses that can be used also to slow the progression of nearsightedness. Atropine eye drops are also used to control myopia (nearsightedness).  Overnight contact lenses are sometimes used to reshape the cornea (the clear window of the eye). Allowing the person to see clearly during the day without any correction.

Schedule an appointment now if you suspect your child is becoming nearsighted. If both parents are nearsighted the child is almost certainly going to become nearsighted.  

Half a century ago about 30% of the population was nearsighted. Today we are approaching 50% of the population becoming nearsighted and the numbers are increasing. Screen time can average 9 hours a day. During the formative years for the eye (8-22), the stress of close viewing causes the eye to elongate.  The nearsighted eye is elongated. Mild amount of nearsightedness is a bother. Large amounts (5 diopters and above) can be dangerous and sight-threatening. 

While using any device it is recommended to take a break every 20 minutes. Take 20 seconds and look at something more than 20 feet away. This relieves the stress the focusing muscles inside the eye is exerting on the globe.  

Today bifocals are prescribed for young people just starting to become nearsighted.  There are multifocal soft contact lenses that can be used also to slow the progression of nearsightedness. Atropine eye drops are also used to control myopia (nearsightedness).  Overnight contact lenses are sometimes used to reshape the cornea (the clear window of the eye). Allowing the person to see clearly during the day without any correction.

Schedule an appointment now if you suspect your child is becoming nearsighted. If both parents are nearsighted the child is almost certainly going to become nearsighted.  

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