Different Types of Contact Lenses

There are several ways to classify contact lenses, including classifying contact lenses based on the lens material, wear schedule, replacement schedule, and special features. If you have questions about contact lenses and are looking for an optometrist near you, consider our optometry team at Midway Optometry team serving the San Diego, CA, area.

Lens Material

Soft and gas-permeable GP lenses differ in the materials used to produce them, which impacts the wearer’s ease of use. Soft lenses are made of flexible plastics, while GP lenses use a more rigid material. GP lenses last longer and provide clearer vision but are less comfortable than soft lenses.

Wear Schedule

Daily-wear contacts are worn only during waking hours and are disposed of or cleaned at night. Extended-wear lenses may be able to be worn for up to 30 days, potentially even while sleeping, but they increase the risk of infection, particularly when the user does not follow the eye doctor’s wear and care instructions.

Replacement Schedule

Daily disposable lenses are worn for one day and thrown away, while planned replacement lenses can be used for weeks, months, or longer. Unless approved for extended wear, you should not wear your planned replacement lenses while sleeping.

Special Features and Specialty Contact Lenses

There are many special-use lenses for people with specific conditions or applications. Some include:

  • Toric: These lenses are commonly used to help correct astigmatism.
  • Multifocal: Similar to bifocal eyeglasses, multifocal contacts are correct for vision for those who have multiple prescriptions.
  • Scleral: Scleral lenses are larger than most contacts and allow tears to flow under them, so they may help those with dry eye syndrome or other conditions.
  • Ortho-K: Worn while sleeping, Ortho-K lenses reshape the cornea to correct nearsightedness.
  • Cosmetic: Cosmetic lenses change your eye color or appearance. While they do not correct vision, they require a prescription.

Get Eye Doctor Services and Contact Lenses Near You from an Optometrist Near You

If you live in or near San Diego, CA, and are looking for contact lenses near you, consider our Midway Optometry team. We can perform contact lens exams and help determine the best lenses to help you see clearly and comfortably. Call us today at (619) 224-2973 for eye doctor services and contact lenses near you from an optometrist near you.

There are several ways to classify contact lenses, including classifying contact lenses based on the lens material, wear schedule, replacement schedule, and special features. If you have questions about contact lenses and are looking for an optometrist near you, consider our optometry team at Midway Optometry team serving the San Diego, CA, area.

Lens Material

Soft and gas-permeable GP lenses differ in the materials used to produce them, which impacts the wearer’s ease of use. Soft lenses are made of flexible plastics, while GP lenses use a more rigid material. GP lenses last longer and provide clearer vision but are less comfortable than soft lenses.

Wear Schedule

Daily-wear contacts are worn only during waking hours and are disposed of or cleaned at night. Extended-wear lenses may be able to be worn for up to 30 days, potentially even while sleeping, but they increase the risk of infection, particularly when the user does not follow the eye doctor’s wear and care instructions.

Replacement Schedule

Daily disposable lenses are worn for one day and thrown away, while planned replacement lenses can be used for weeks, months, or longer. Unless approved for extended wear, you should not wear your planned replacement lenses while sleeping.

Special Features and Specialty Contact Lenses

There are many special-use lenses for people with specific conditions or applications. Some include:

  • Toric: These lenses are commonly used to help correct astigmatism.
  • Multifocal: Similar to bifocal eyeglasses, multifocal contacts are correct for vision for those who have multiple prescriptions.
  • Scleral: Scleral lenses are larger than most contacts and allow tears to flow under them, so they may help those with dry eye syndrome or other conditions.
  • Ortho-K: Worn while sleeping, Ortho-K lenses reshape the cornea to correct nearsightedness.
  • Cosmetic: Cosmetic lenses change your eye color or appearance. While they do not correct vision, they require a prescription.

Get Eye Doctor Services and Contact Lenses Near You from an Optometrist Near You

If you live in or near San Diego, CA, and are looking for contact lenses near you, consider our Midway Optometry team. We can perform contact lens exams and help determine the best lenses to help you see clearly and comfortably. Call us today at (619) 224-2973 for eye doctor services and contact lenses near you from an optometrist near you.

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